Children feeding fund for 315 districts
The Government has signed a loan deal worth US$200 million with the World Bank for the National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan).
The loan would help the Government in achieving its goal of reducing stunting in children 0-6 years of age from 38.4% to 25% by the year 2022.
The POSHAN (PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment) Abhiyaan was launched by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, on 8th March 2018 at Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan state.
A large component of POSHAN Abhiyaan involves gradual scaling-up of the interventions supported by the ongoing World Bank assisted Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) to all districts in the country over a 3-year period.
The loan, approved on 7 May 2018, will support the first phase scale up to 315 districts across all states and union territories (UTs).