Correct training needed for chemical and radiation detection system
Argon Electronics (UK) Ltd wants to share with the Indian defence sector its specialist training equipment for chemical and radiation threats.
“It is extremely difficult to train people how to use the detection system correctly, how to carry out the correct procedures in an environment where either might be or there is a suspected chemical warfare agent,” said Argon Managing Director Steven Pike.
Argon equipment is a training device for detection equipment currently deployed by the Indian Army.
Pike said “with growing interest from various user groups for Argon’s technology, we are working with our partner Strongfield Technologies Ltd. to identify the best route to market under the latest procurement policy”.
Argon capabilities:
CBRNe and HazMat Training Solutions
Most organizations that are responsible for ensuring operational readiness ahead of a potential CBRNe event find it challenging to deliver training that is both realistic, engaging and truly effective AND safe, environmentally friendly and flexible. This can often result in underprepared response teams.
Argon’s array of CBRNe/HazMat training solutions employ electronic simulators that replicate the most widely-used detectors on the market as well as reproducing the scenarios in which they would be utilised.
The advantage of Argon’s approach is the flexibility and cost-efficiency afforded by avoiding the need for active agents while allowing response teams to train as often and as diversely as they want.
Chemical Hazard Training Solutions
Realistic CBRNe training for modern threats
Delivering realistic, engaging, chemical warfare agent (CWA), and hazardous material (HazMat) training that is safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and reflects the potentially improvised nature of today’s threats in a flexible, economic manner has never been more challenging. Live Agent Training has an important role to play, but this expensive activity is not the time for your students to learn how to use their detection equipment.
When you plan exercises for modern CBRNe/HazMat threats and risks you need to develop a variety of scenarios (clandestine laboratory search, Chemical Improvised Explosive Devices, large or local area survey / reconnaissance, threat assessment or decontamination) to ensure effective readiness with minimal regulatory burden.
Radiation Safety Training Solutions
Radiation Hazard – the invisible threat
Radiation training has always been challenging; a health risk not only to the students but also the instructor. How can you ensure people understand that this invisible threat, which generates no immediate sensation, is so dangerous?
Radiation hazard detection is easy?
Most detection instruments are not too difficult to use; which is potentially a hazard since a little knowledge can often be dangerous! Thankfully, most users never experience high readings for real. The skill, of course, is in learning how to recognize and avoid the potential threat and keep safe.
Wide-area/Live CBRNe Training Solutions
CBRNe and HazMat Training Solutions
Most organizations that are responsible for ensuring operational readiness ahead of a potential CBRNe event find it challenging to deliver training that is both realistic, engaging and truly effective AND safe, environmentally friendly and flexible. This can often result in underprepared response teams.
Argon’s array of CBRNe/HazMat training solutions employ electronic simulators that replicate the most widely-used detectors on the market as well as reproducing the scenarios in which they would be utilised. Argon simulators can be used alone, or integrated with PlumeSIM for larger area training exercises.
The advantage of Argon’s approach is the flexibility and cost-efficiency afforded by avoiding the need for active agents while allowing response teams to train as often and as diversely as they want.
Tabletop/Virtual CBRNe Training Solutions
Worried your tabletop CBRNe exercises are boring?
You want to use tabletop exercises to train and verify operational response, exercise the command structure, and ensure team and interagency functionality. Such exercises usually involve passing notes or inject cards representing instrument readings. Not very exciting is it?
These paper notes are cost effective but do not provide any real form of After Action Review to enhance learning or identify areas for improvement.
Testing survey and reconnaissance skills
Tabletop is very difficult environment to ensure the concept of surveying reconnaissance, instrument reading and reporting is truly understood.