Focus on using renewables
Sustainability is a top priority at BMW Group Plant in Chennai, having achieved significant savings with dedicated efforts such as commitment to convert to 100% green electricity by end of the year and water conservation as well as tree plantation and biodiversity.
BMW Group Plant Chennai Managing Director Thomas Dose explained, “For BMW Group Plant Chennai, the term ‘sustainable production’ means investing in our future. Since 2007, our plant has consistently reduced its consumption of non-renewable resources through modern technology, stringent processes and efficiency.
“This commitment is integrated through clear actions in our business model as well as production processes and has helped us in significantly reducing our footprint.
“We know the challenges and are rising to meet them by continuously setting higher goals. For BMW Group Plant Chennai, this is the key to a green future.”
Dose continued, “A strong culture at BMW Plant Chennai further promotes sustainability. Respect for resources is a part of BMW values and a principle we live by every day.
“While the management is taking steps to introduce sustainable innovations throughout the infrastructure and facilities, associates are playing an important role by promoting an attitude that is pro-conservation and makes a huge difference in day-to-day working.”
The Chennai Plant is constantly focusing on the increasing use of renewable energy to meet its requirements. Over the last few years, it has steadily replaced conventional energy sources with sustainable alternatives, said Dose on 5 June 2020.
Presently, the plant takes care of up to 40% of its electricity requirements through a 1,350 kW Solar Photovoltaic system. BMW Group Plant Chennai is working towards becoming a 100% green electricity plant by the end of 2020.
By introducing multiple simple and smart solutions, the plant has further reduced its electricity consumption. Up to 50% savings of have been achieved in light usage through LED lights installation. Besides this, fresh air fans have been replaced by energy-efficient high-volume low-speed (HVLS) fans, saving 30% electricity in the ventilation system.
In Chennai, water shortage is a serious issue. The Plant has continuously been working on long-term solutions to minimise the impact by acting responsibly. The plant’s water conservation measures are based on three pillars: use of rainwater, conservation of freshwater and water treatment.
It has rainwater harvesting ponds at two locations with a total capacity of 14,25,000 litres.
Tanks have been installed across the site to collect rainwater for this purpose. More than 340,000 litres of rainwater has been collected so far and utilized for water leak test and other requirements.
The process water used in production is fully recycled at the plant’s treatment facility and fed back into the process. Water used for cleaning is also treated and reused in gardening and landscaping.
Sensor-based taps installed across the plant save up to 8% water. In combination, these three pillars have helped reduce water consumption by more than 45% – from 40825 KL to 20594 KL (Period 2016 to 2019).
A new Rainwater Harvesting Project implemented at the beginning of 2020 stores up to 2,000 kilolitres and caters to up to 40% of plant’s requirements.
The team is also currently working on a recharge injection well project at 10 sites in Mahindra World City which will be scaled up later. Instead of withdrawing water, this type of well injects rainwater into the ground in a controlled manner to bring the water table back to normal levels.
Other water conservation plans underway include advancement in sewage treated plants in order to use the recycled water for toilet flushing and greywater utilization for landscaping.
BMW Group Plant Chennai has a green area of 7.7 acres, which is around 25% of the total area. A green belt has been set up with around 2,000 trees of 31 different species as part of a biodiversity pilot project.
In another recent tree plantation drive, around 4,000 local species trees are being planted in 0.5 acres at the plant with the Miyawaki forest technique that helps build dense, native forests with 10 times faster growth and 30 times denser plantation than usual. This will lead to annual C02 savings of 4,000 tons.
On World Environment Day (5 June) every year, the entire team comes together to plant trees inside as well as outside the facility.
BMW Group lays equal importance on both the products and the process when it comes to green manufacturing. To achieve this, processes are optimised and investments are made in more efficient, state-of-the-art technologies.
In line with the ‘Design for Recycling’ approach, BMW/MINI vehicles are created in a way that their components can largely be reused or recycled efficiently throughout their whole life cycle. Some decisive influencing factors are the choice of materials, production technologies, supplier selection, the choice of drivetrain types and the recyclability of the vehicle’s components.
All BMW Group vehicles brought onto the market since 2008 meet the requirements for the recycling of end-of-life vehicles, components and materials (95% total recycling, 85% reuse and material recycling).
BMW Group Plant Chennai has implemented the Environmental Policy under the Integrated Management System which is aligned with IS0 14001: 2015 requirements.
A dedicated team has been appointed to ensure environmental management and best sustainability practices. Associates are encouraged to follow and promote basic measures such as reduction of printing, switching off lights, air-conditioners, laptops when not required, appropriately segregating waste and reducing food wastage.
The canteen food waste is processed and converted to manure. In 2019, 6,500 kg of waste was converted to manure.