Alternate modes consider for some cities

Experts have expressed confidence in managing India’s metro rail development programme based on demand while considering alternative models for other cities.
There is a need for expansion of metros in tier-II cities as India modernizes its public transportation sector.
The tier-II metro call came from Mangu Singh, Managing Director of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC).
But it is not necessary that every city has a metro system, rather it should be based on the requirements of each city, said Singh at the first regional conference on Mass Rapid Transport Systems (MRTS) for Urban Areas “Opportunities and Challenges” in Kolkata.
Alternative transport mode have been recommended for Dehradun, capital of Uttarakhand, Singh said at the confernece held in Kolkatta on 13 Mar 2018.
Nevertheless, a good transport system is necessary for social, economic and cultural growth of India, provided with matching resource and developmental facilities to keep technology updated, he said.
Elaborting, Singh said a sustainable urban transport system too, is the need of the hour in the present green field scenario of India.
DMRC with enhanced emphasis on renewable energy, is providing consultancy to Bangladesh and Indonesia for their respective metro rail projects, he disclosed.
MRTS, which is beyond metro rail, has a critical role in regional connectivity, added Rakesh Ranjan, Advisor, NITI Aayog.
However, issues of under-investment in MRTS needs to be addressed, he said.
He also called for financial viability of metro railway system in the light of hefty Rs.100,000 crore investment requirement in urban transport system.
Meanwhile, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is enhancing the quantum of loan to India from existing US$1.7 billion to US$2 billion, said Soon-sik Lee, AIIB’s senior transport specialist.