Tech-driven lube processing
Houston-based DWC Innovations in cooperation with Koch Glitsch has been awarded the design of a grassroots Dividing Wall Column (DWC) Project in Lubricating Oil Base Stock (LOBS) unit of an Indian refinery.
This #DWC column produces four precise cuts and combines three conventional distillation columns into one. The scope of the project includes basic engineering package and supply of internals for the DWC column.
“We are involved in multiple grassroots and revamp DWC projects in India. Having realized the potential of DWC technology, Indian refineries are undertaking complex DWC projects to further save #CAPEX, #OPEX and plot space,” Manish Bhargava, Director of DWC Innovations, said on 21 July 2020.
DWC Innovation is a technology company that provides innovative & customized solutions for the distillation and absorption processes in the oil and gas sector.
It has established itself amongst its seasoned counterparts as the leader in Dividing Wall Column implementation by developing a highly adaptable DWC Prime technology.
This technology combines multiple distillation columns into one thereby saving CAPEX and OPEX by 20-50% in comparison to commonly available distillation schemes. #KochGlitsch #lubricants #oil #hydrocarbons #OPEC #IEA #energy #energy /