Project to be completed by June 2022
The Cabinet has approved implementation of Shahpur Kandi Dam Project on River Ravi in Punjab with Central Assistance of Rs.485.38 crore (for irrigation component) to be provided over five years from 2018-19 to 2022-23.
The completed Dam will supply irrigation water for 5,000 ha in Punjab State and 32,173 ha in J&K State.
In addition to existing monitoring mechanism for projects by Central Water Commission, a committee headed by Member, Central Water Commission and consisting of concerned Chief Engineers of Punjab and J&K and other concerned officers would be constituted to oversee/monitor the implementation of project.
The Advisory committee has accepted the second Revised Cost Estimate amounting to Rs.2,715.70 crore (February, 2018 Price Level) in its 138th meeting held on 31.10.2018.
The project would be implemented by Punjab Government with Central Assistance of Rs.485.38 crore.
It would be completed by June 2022.
Expenditure: The balance cost of works component of Shahpur Kandi Dam project is Rs.1,973.53 cr. (Irrigation component: Rs.564.63 cr, Power component: Rs.1,408.90 cr.) Out of the this, Rs 485.38 Cr would be provided as Central Assistance.