Patents will be sought for all projects, says Minister
India is implementing 142 projects, costing Rs.318.71 crore, under Impacting Research Innovation and Technology-I (IMPRINT-I) programme.
The projects cover crucial domains like security and defence, information technology, energy, sustainable habitat, advance materials, health care, nano technology, climate change, etc.
All these projects are expected to result in publications and patents, said Human Resources and Development Minister Prakash Javadekar in New Delhi on 6 Mar 2018.
He said Rs.1,000 crore for research in science and technology invested over the nex two years under IMPRINT-II. It has been sanctined by the Central Government.
Proposals under IMPRINT-II to be invited from 16th March onwards.
Under the IMPRINT-II, a fund is being created by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Ministry of Human Resource Development together, in which participation will come from industry and other interested Ministries.
The project will be run as a separate vertical in coordination with the DST.
Prof. Indranil Manna of IIT-Kharagpur will be the National Coordinator for the IMPRINT-II to be sanctioned by May this year.