Loan to improve quality of students
Student education quality will improve in Assam’s higher institution with the grant of a new US$119 million loan by the World Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The loan agreement was signed in New Delhi on 8 Nov 2017 for “Odisha Higher Education Programme for Excellence and Equity (OHEPEE) Project in New Delhi on 7 Nov 2017.
The Objective of the project is to improve the quality of ‘students’ equitable access to selected institutions and enhance governance of the higher education system in Odisha.
Project Component of the Result Areas are:
(I) Improved quality of and students’ equitable access to selected institutions of higher education, Institutional Development Plan (IDP) Grants (performance–based Financing;
(II) Enhanced governance of the higher education system: (i) Improvement of governance in colleges (ii) Improvement of financial and procurement management and accounting in all government and government-aided colleges.
A Financing Agreement for International Bank of Reconstruction and Development was signed by Sameer Kumar Khare (Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs) and Hisham A. Abdo Kahin, Acting Country Director, World Bank (India).
A Project Agreement was also signed by G.V.V. Sarma, Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Higher Education of Odisha State Hisham A. Abdo Kahin.
The closing date for the project is 30 November, 2022.