Defence industry urged to continue R&D for self-sufficiency
Import of Defence technology may kill innovation in Indian companies and it should be allowed only when there is no homegrown technology available, according to Dr G Satheesh Reddy, Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister.
Innovation should come as building competitiveness and not to become a hindrance, he said.
Dr Reddy said this while speaking at the DEFTECH 2017 conference – Realising Make in India through Defence R&D.
The conference was organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and supported by Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO).
While acknowledging CII’s efforts in deliberating the role of Defence R&D in Make in India, Dr Reddy further suggested that Make in India should not stop at Build to Print, and instead, should involve indigenous design, development and manufacturing.
AAKASH missile and MRSAM programme came as his references where Indian industry has substantially contributed through build to specifications systems.
Dr S Guruprasad, Scientist & Director General (PC&SI), DRDO has urged the Indian Industry to make the best possible use of Technology Development Fund (TDF), an initiative of Ministry of Defence, executed through DRDO, to develop indigenous capability.
For making India self-reliant in Defence, Dr Guruprasad stressed on the need for industry to continue with R&D activities and also to collaborate with DRDO for technologies.
He further urged Indian industry to exercise caution while partnering with foreign firms, especially in cases where there is a clause on R&D.